
16 July 2011

RSA: Education & The Future

RSA Conference on Uncertain Futures in Education

This conference on the 20th June involves a number of speakers discussing the future of education, including Professor Keri Facer, who challenges us to think critically about our assumptions about the future? Can we get students and ourselves to think beyond the notion of 'panic/apathy', 'radical uncertainty' and 'business as usual'. Patrick Hazelwood talks about the 21st Century curriculum being very similar to the previous century and that it currently lacks a philosophy but is plagued by initiatives and tinkering at the edges. Even if things were changed tomorrow, he argues that the teaching profession would take at least 15 years to catch up and develop the skills needed. He challenges us to think about new pedagogies and create new relationships to move forward.

There are lots of interesting points to discuss, especially around the skills required in order to be successful for the future of which creativity surely plays an important part - you can see the video of the conference below:

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